So B & D (host parents) both work in Wiesbaden and they both had some work to do in their offices so we all piled into the station wagon and headed into town. D's office building is new and modern and mostly made of glass with cool artwork in the lobby and office area. B's office is from the 1830s! Totally opposite. Everything is very ornate with brass doorknobs and such. It's way cool.
While B was working D and I took L&J on a walk in the park. Great idea, right? Wrong. It started pouring and we had to wait under the trees for it to stop. We went into a cafe/casino (great combo...i love Germany!) and waited for B to finish up work. Then B took me on a tour of the marketplatz in Wiesbaden. All of the shops are one one main street that goes on for what seems like forever. I saw my first german starbucks! Yay for reminders of home!
We were about to go back to the car when B noticed that a government building was open which is rare for a Sunday. Turns out they were giving free tours. It was so cool to see the inside of such a historic building in Germany. I didn't understand much, but B translated some information for me. I got some pictures, but they just don't do it justice. This place was awesome!
der marketplatz
i absolutely love the old buildings here!
one of the many ornate rooms in der hessische landtag
so pretty!
so B and i sat here. the tour guide promptly asked us to get up because this
couch is reserved for special guests (presidents, royalty, etc).
the last person to sit there?
the dalai lama.
L & J
i'm thinking of re decorating my room like this when i get home.
about to go in the oval office. wait..wrong country.
nice digs, huh?
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