One time I made the mistake of telling J & L that I am not very coordinated. I've never played sports because most of them involve a ball flying around at high speeds that the players are supposed to control with their hands, feet or sport equipment. When it comes to hand-eye coordination, I unfortunately inherited my father's genes (or lack there of). I never fail to strike out in baseball, I have mild in basketball when I play "Horse", J & L ALWAYS beat me at soccer, and don't ask my brother about my spiral (I tried to play football with him a few times while camping when we were younger…which turned into a variation of fetch. Rachel throws ball to David, Rachel misses, Rachel fetches).
Like I said before, I made the mistake of telling J & L that I'm not very athletically talented. Naturally, they turned this into a fun game I like to call "So bits du." It goes a little something like this:
J: Rachel, this is you playing tennis.. *serves invisible tennis ball with invisible tennis racket, overserving and hits self in face with said invisible tennis racket and falls down*
L: And this is you playing soccer.. *runs and kicks invisible soccer ball, misses, falls down*
J: Or this.. *bounces invisible soccer ball with knees, soccer ball hits face, falls down*
L: I'm Rachel playing baseball.. *swings bat at invisible baseball, swings too hard, misses ball, hits self in face with bat, falls down*
J: Rachel, this is how you play basketball.. *dribbles invisible basketball, bounces ball to hard, ball hits face, falls down*
And it just goes on and on with just about every sport there is. I might get mad that they are so blatantly making fun of me, but honestly, it's hilarious. Plus, they are the ones that keep hitting themselves with invisible sport equipment and then throwing themselves on the ground. It's pretty darn hilarious. I just need to find their weakness so I can mock them back twice as hard. Wish me luck!
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